I got save back to Austria. Everything is so green here it is wonderful. The variety of food is enormous. ...ah yea i found out that I lost 14 pounds in America!?
But NY was an awesome time I met extraordinary people and became friends with them. NYC is an outstanding city.
When I arrived home i unpacked and started to implement myself again. One of the important things I did the first days, was to cut of the plug of my dell power adapter. As u can see it now has a very nice end and fits into Austrian sockets. :)
The LHC in swiss got launched and it was a huge success. World did not blow up still spins arround the sun. Within the next ten years the scientists will be able to solve more of the worlds secrets.
so much so far. miss u guys from NY
lg Klemens
I'm glad that you arrived safely. <3 I miss you already...I think that I am going to pretend that you never left.
yea i miss u too...
it was always a lot of fun together.
lg Klemens
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