Against the bad Canes-crictics of the movie did I betake myself to the premiere and watched the show.
As fan of the Iniana Jones movies which are for sure the last one with Harrison Ford I was a little bit disappointed.
I really liked the beginning it also catches up with the old parts. But some of the scences and dialoges are really stupid.
Just one short scence in words. Indie accidently got to a atombomb testfield. He rescues himself from the nuclear detonation by steping into a leaded fridge. He flys 3 km in the air crashes and gets out without a scratch.
But I promise you a lot of unexpected scences. So watch it yourself.
My rating is just a 6 out of 10. ******
greetz Klemens
Aliens ??!??!
the bomb was the weirdest next to the tarzan indi son.
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